Time for Forgiveness ~ First Meeting

Here is the recording for the first 'Time for Forgiveness' online gathering!

In this first session I highlighted the foundations of True Forgiveness and contrasted it against the ego's version of "forgiveness". I also went through the True Forgiveness process outlined on page 90 of the Course's text, and then we took some time to apply the process together.

There were great conversations and questions and I'm really excited to share this first recording with you. There is also some chat about how the 'Time for Forgiveness' meetings will occur moving forward which will be through my online community called the Awakening Community! Hosting the future meetings in the Awakening Community will make it easier for us to connect, ask and answer questions, and easily access the meeting recordings.

I truly hope you enjoy this first session and soak up the good vibes from applying True Forgiveness!

Lots of Love,

Fiona XO