I am Spirit

In this episode, I highlight the importance of acknowledging and accepting your True Identity as Spirit!

I reference teachings from Lesson 97 - I am Spirit, and share a real world example of how this teaching helped me through one of my darkest times. The fact is, we are always either accepting or denying our True Identity. Denying our True Selves is why we see this world and the chaos and conflict which seems to occupy it. As is taught in the Course, all of your issues and the suffering you have experienced are because you have thought you are vulnerable, guilty and powerless body. This mistaken identity needs to change if you want to have genuine peace and remember your Oneness in Source. And so we want to focus on creating a loving habit of accepting our Spiritual Identity instead of rejecting it.

I truly hope you enjoy this episode and the calming guided meditation at the end!

Lots of Love,

Fiona XO