A Right-Minded Approach to Physical Ailments

This is one of my most important podcast episodes loaded with helpful goodness!

In this episode, I share how to take an ACIM Right-Minded approach to physical ailments and symptoms. 

I have used Right-Mindedness to help me through my greatest challenges and I've experienced healing that I never expected as a result! There truly is a better way to go approach physical challenges and I'm highlighting for you what I've learned and how I incorporate Right-Mindedness when facing illness or physical symptoms. I am sharing with you when to apply True Forgiveness and I also will guide you through my favourite GO-TO healing meditation from Gary Renard's book Love Has Forgotten No One (Page 79)!

Learn how to lessen fear of physical symptoms and uncertainty, how to incorporate True Forgiveness, and how to welcome the healing power of your loving Higher Self, the Holy Spirit.

If you are ready to approach a physical ailment in a Right-Minded way, this podcast episode is for you!

Love and Miracles,
