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Healing Your Unconscious Mind


Hello Love,

This past spring, I had a very cool healing experience which I'm excited to share with you! 

You will learn why it is so important to invite the Holy Spirit in to help you heal. That's the role of the Holy Spirit - healing. 

If you continue to do things with the ego or if you feel stuck in a situation which seems to have no way out, this vlog can help!  

Also, in this vlog, I share that it was through a dream that I saw some of the evidence of the healing from Holy Spirit. For me, I always enjoy how the Holy Spirit uses my dreams to show me the ego content I need to forgive. For this reason, I always pay close attention to my dreams and enjoy drinking my morning cup of tea while I look up dream symbols in my favourite dream dictionaries!

Just for a bit of fun, here are some symbols I had in the healing dream.

~ My grandparent's home - The healing dream took place in my grandparent's old home. This was representative of the healing of old familial...

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Guilt, Sickness and Praying for Others


Hello Love, 

Recently, a subscriber wrote in about her experience watching her Mom's ailing health. She writes...

"As my 87 mother is hospitalized, I've tried to immerse myself in my practice trying to live some of the lessons.

I have prayed the Holy Spirit prayer, take this from me and judge it for me... very often, every time I feel going into despair.  I then try to foster peace and love inside of me, but often I want to see something in this plane of reality. How do I know I've prayed with my right mind and not my ego?

The idea that I'm actually creating this fills me with guilt and fear. How do I apply this and still feel loved and innocent?"

When our loved ones are experiencing sickness, it can bring up a lot of emotion, uncertainty and wonder of what we can do to help. This subscriber opened up about her feelings of guilt and fear strengthening as she cares for her mother.

This is a situation which I feel many of us can resonate with: wanting the best...

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Healing is Natural ~ Part Two!

acim healing holy spirit mind Sep 30, 2020

Welcome to the second part of the Healing IS Natural Webinar Series! 

In this class, fellow ACIM teacher Julie Glynn and myself continue the conversation on how to heal using A Course in Miracles. 

We review topics like where sickness comes from and what True Healing really is. We also elaborate on the mind's role in healing. 

We also delve into topics like how to use your sleeping dreams to heal, how to recognize Spirit's guidance, and the benefits you can expect from healing with Spirit <3 

There is a brief pause in the conversation around the 42 minute mark which is where we took our break, so just be aware of that ;) 


Much Love,


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Morning Correction ~ A Mental Exercise for Shaking Off the ego and Starting Your Day Right!

As we are facing this worldly trial, you may notice that the feeling of fear has become acute. To help with this, you need to train your mind to quiet and amp up your True Forgiveness practice which will help dissolve the mind of fear, the ego. You have to hit fear at its source, the ego mind, this is the only thing that will make a genuine positive difference in your mental state.


Morning Correction

The morning can be the trickiest time of the day as not only are you getting ready for your day and helping others in your household do the same, you are also hearing the ego ramble on in your mind. By the time you head out the door, you may notice that you are agitated. If this sounds familiar, know that you have a choice to NOT continue on with your day like this. In fact, the morning can be your greatest opportunity to shake off the ego and start your day in your loving Right Mind! 

In A Course in Miracles, we are guided to, at the soonest opportunity, take time to connect...

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PTSD - Healing and a Spiritual Perspective

The experience of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a great challenge. It encompasses your whole life because the mind is traumatized. A person going through PTSD is left feeling quite helpless as their reactions are mostly unconscious, so it’s difficult to predict what can be a trigger. As I shared in my previous blog on PTSD, if you’re dealing with PTSD, you’re on high alert!

Research has shown that in the brain of someone who is going through PTSD, the brain is actually fine anatomically, but what is wrong is that the brain is communicating too much. Specifically, when someone experiencing PTSD is asked to recall a traumatic memory, the brain shows that there is a heightened level of activity going on within the brain. There is an overreaction to the memory.

It is important to note here that the brain and the mind are different. The brain is an effect of the mind, just like the body and the whole physical world is an effect of the mind.

It is helpful to measure...

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Interview with Corinne Zupko on True Healing!

Genuine healing is the release from fear in your mind. It occurs when you give up seeing your life through the ego's eyes. We are taught in A Course in Miracles that the mind is the level of cause and that the body is the effect. Therefore, if we want anything to heal, we must first begin with the mind. 

Follow the link in this blog to my interview from Corinne Zupko, Author of the award-winning book, From Anxiety to Love! Corinne and I get into a great, in-depth conversation about what true healing is and I also share my experience of using my mind and the healing principles of A Course in Miracles to heal from vertigo. 

Always keep a focus on the fact that genuine healing is of the mind. Detach from any expectation of the outcome and allow your mind be led to the peace of the God Mind. 

The Healing Meditation mentioned in the podcast is found in Gary Renard's book, Love Has Forgotten No One <3 

Here's the link to Corinne's website where you can listen to the...

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