Healing Your Unconscious Mind
Dec 08, 2021Hello Love,
This past spring, I had a very cool healing experience which I'm excited to share with you!
You will learn why it is so important to invite the Holy Spirit in to help you heal. That's the role of the Holy Spirit - healing.
If you continue to do things with the ego or if you feel stuck in a situation which seems to have no way out, this vlog can help!
Also, in this vlog, I share that it was through a dream that I saw some of the evidence of the healing from Holy Spirit. For me, I always enjoy how the Holy Spirit uses my dreams to show me the ego content I need to forgive. For this reason, I always pay close attention to my dreams and enjoy drinking my morning cup of tea while I look up dream symbols in my favourite dream dictionaries!
Just for a bit of fun, here are some symbols I had in the healing dream.
~ My grandparent's home - The healing dream took place in my grandparent's old home. This was representative of the healing of old familial issues.
~ Ghosts - I had a distinct feeling of being haunted and surrounded by ghosts. Ghosts and anything to do with hauntings refers to old, unhealed issues.
~ My young niece wearing a white dress - The shade of white always refers to Spirit's presence and is also representative of innocence. In this dream, I knew that by focusing on healing old, unhealthy familial perceptions, I was doing my part to free my family of the past. My young niece was representative of family's future.
~ Wallpaper in my Grandparent's bedroom which was adorned with beautiful pink, blooming flowers and bright green foliage. - Blooming flowers and also the presence of healthy leaves represent healing and the beginning of something new. The colour pink is representative of love.
These are just some of the symbols which stood out in my healing dream! But most of all it was the feeling during the dream and upon awakening which let me know that healing occurred. Always pay attention to how you feel in your dreams and when you wake up from them.
As another fun note, in the dream, when I encountered the ghosts, I initially reacted to the ghosts defensively. I yelled at them to leave me alone. Doing so did nothing and I continued to feel the presence of the ghosts. I then decided to do things differently. I said out loud that the ghosts weren't real - they were nothing. Just then, the haunted feeling and the associated fear disappeared. That was really cool.
I hope you enjoy the vlog!!
Lots of Love,
Fiona xo
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