Morning Correction ~ A Mental Exercise for Shaking Off the ego and Starting Your Day Right!
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Morning Correction ~ A Mental Exercise for Shaking Off the ego and Starting Your Day Right!

Apr 10, 2020

As we are facing this worldly trial, you may notice that the feeling of fear has become acute. To help with this, you need to train your mind to quiet and amp up your True Forgiveness practice which will help dissolve the mind of fear, the ego. You have to hit fear at its source, the ego mind, this is the only thing that will make a genuine positive difference in your mental state.


Morning Correction

The morning can be the trickiest time of the day as not only are you getting ready for your day and helping others in your household do the same, you are also hearing the ego ramble on in your mind. By the time you head out the door, you may notice that you are agitated. If this sounds familiar, know that you have a choice to NOT continue on with your day like this. In fact, the morning can be your greatest opportunity to shake off the ego and start your day in your loving Right Mind! 

In A Course in Miracles, we are guided to, at the soonest opportunity, take time to connect with our Source <3 Why would you want to do this? Well, because if you don't correct your mind's trajectory, you are going to remain in fear. As we are taught in the Course, when the mind is in fear, it is prone to miscreation.

You have a choice to guard your thoughts more carefully, and beginning your day by connecting with God is an excellent opportunity to train your mind and develop this very healthy habit!  

The ego's greeting...

As soon as you are aware that you are awake, you may recognize a familiar feeling swarm over you... fear. 

Painful thoughts from your past and concerns about the future come flooding back to your awareness and you consequently feel anxious, angry, or melancholy about the day ahead. Then your body follows your mind and you begin to feel tense. For those of you who have experienced morning anxiety, you may be quite familiar with this dynamic. 

Yet, just because you start your first moments of the day this way, does not mean you need to continue thinking this way. As usual, you do NOT need to accept the ego's invitation to play. 

So, why does the ego greet you in the morning? Well, because thinking with the ego is presently your habit and also, because the ego needs your belief in order to survive. The ego is vulnerable and insecure as it knows it needs your belief in order to live, so it screams at you for your attention. As we are taught in A Course in Miracles ~ the ego always speaks first and speaks the loudest. 

It's up to you, the Decision Maker, to focus your mind to peace. 

The Corrective Process

Considering that your mind cannot think with both the ego and Spirit, you have to make a choice on which voice in your mind you are going to listen to. Your ability to make this choice IS your free will <3 It's all on you! 

So, here are the steps I personally take in the morning to correct my thinking... 

Dissolve the ego

When I first recognize that I am awake, I check in with how I'm feeling. If I feel fearful, I proceed with the steps of True Forgiveness. This is excellent for shaking off the cobwebs of the ego! This need not be a lengthy process, and with practice, it will come more naturally and feel sooo good! 

Step 1 ~ Acknowledge that you are only upset (fearful, anxious, angry, melancholy, etc.) because you have been thinking with the ego, and you do not need to continue doing so! Remember that the only reason you react fearfully is because you have taken the ego's ramblings seriously. You do not need to take the ego any further. 

Step 2 ~ Ask the Holy Spirit to judge whatever is upsetting you, for you. It's helpful to remind yourself that you do not know how to judge, so hand that role over to the Holy Spirit. 

Step 3 ~ Accept the Atonement for yourself. Remember that you never left your Source and therefore there is nothing to feel guilty about, there is nothing to be afraid of and there is no reason for you to punish yourself with taking fearful thoughts seriously and analyzing them. In this step, FEEL your connection with God (Love, Source, Oneness). This will get easier as you allow your mind to quiet. 

Activate your Right Mind and Put the Holy Spirit in Charge

Once you have given any fears over to the Holy Spirit, and have connected with your Source, now is the time to put the Holy Spirit in charge of your mind. This is what I say, "Holy Spirit, thank you for being with me. I give my thoughts and actions, my whole day over to you. Move through me. My mind and body are in your loving service and I trust that you are with me at every moment." As I say this, I envision a warm white light moving through my body. You can choose any words which resonate with you, this is simply about letting the Holy Spirit come to the forefront of your mind. 

This is no idle request for as we are taught in the Course, "The Holy Spirit is in you in a very literal sense." T.5.II.3:7

Connect with Source

Then I take a moment to connect with God again. I quiet my mind for a few seconds (or as long as I need to feel connected) and when I feel as though I'm quiet enough, I say "Here I am, God. I am with You. Here I am. I love you and I accept your love and care for me. Thank you for Being my Truth." 


This whole process can take just a few minutes of your time before you lift your head off the pillow! It's an excellent way to have the Holy Spirit heal your mind and to activate your loving Right Mind <3 Also, you of course are taking the opportunity to connect with your Truth, as being One in God. 

I have found this to be a highly effective exercise and I hope you try it! 

To conclude this blog, here is a lovely teaching from the Course, enjoy <3 

"The principle of Atonement and the separation began at the same time. When the ego was made, God placed in the mind the Call to joy. This Call is so strong that the ego always dissolves at Its sound. That is why you must choose to hear one of two voices within you. One you made yourself, and that one is not of God. But the other is given you by God, Who asks you only to listen to it. The Holy Spirit is in you in a very literal sense." ~ T-5.II.3. 

Love and Healthy Thinking,

Fiona <3


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