How Can I Hear Spirit More Clearly?
Nov 20, 2021
Hello Love,
Recently, a subscriber asked me how they can become a better listener for the Holy Spirit.
This is an awesome topic and I'm excited to share some insights from A Course in Miracles which can help you become a better listener for the Holy Spirit's Voice!
Listening to the Holy Spirit comes first from our invitation, but to become a better listener is really about clearing your mind. Just as you have a conversation with a friend, you don't really focus upon what your friend is saying if you're distracted. The same goes for hearing the Holy Spirit. Specifically, you want to clear your mind of the ego's noisy and tangential ramblings so you can hear the Holy Spirit more clearly. There are three things you can do which will help:
~ Apply True Forgiveness... a lot.
~ Train your mind to become quieter.
~ Remind yourself frequently that hearing the Holy Spirit is natural to you.
Let's begin with True Forgiveness
I know I talk about True Forgiveness a lot but that is for good reason. The benefits of True Forgiveness are amazing and you will never know its incredible effects until you begin to apply it regularly and with genuine intention.
Through True Forgiveness, the ego is undone in our minds and as a result, our minds are less cluttered with ego nonsense and the Holy Spirit’s Voice will become clearer to us.
Chances are that the ego’s voice is what you predominantly hear and react to at this point in time. We made the ego and so we are quite loyal to it even if we don't really want to be. Through True Forgiveness, your mind is healed of the guilt which keeps you leashed to the ego. As the guilt dissolves, the True Voice of the Holy Spirit comes shining through. It really is that simple.
Training Your Mind
Next, you want to train your mind so it can become quieter. I shared in my previous blog “Where’s My Miracle?” that ALL answers come to a quiet mind. The ego is always trying to distract you – always. To grow accustomed to hearing the Holy Spirit, it is imperative you practice quieting your mind.
The Course lessons are excellent for helping you to train your mind. If you have already done the Course lessons, then revisit some of your favourite ones and begin applying them to your thinking more often. I also like to ask the Holy Spirit which thoughts would be helpful for me to remember and soon after asking the Holy Spirit for help, a Course lesson will come to my awareness and I will apply it.
To train your mind, you can also practice the art of deep breathing. Your breath is an excellent conduit for hearing the Holy Spirit as again, your mind is quieter when you're relaxed and enjoying a deep breathing session. Day by day, see if you can increase the amount of time you are able to focus only on your breath. I encourage you to be patient with yourself as this work is not a competition – it’s a life-long practice designed to bring you genuine inner peace.
Acknowledge Who You Really Are
Lastly, to help you hear the Holy Spirit's guidance more clearly, I encourage you to acknowledge more often that the Holy Spirit is not a separate entity from you; It is actually your own Higher Self. Remember that separation in any form is not real. The Holy Spirit is not apart from you - It IS a fundamental part of you. Remembering this will help you to recognize that when you are asking the Holy Spirit for guidance, you are turning to Something which is very natural to you.
In the Course, we are consistently reminded that we need to be open and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance so we don’t feel as though we are being coerced when we receive Its loving guidance. We need to get used to laying aside our own ego’s agenda and welcome a new way of perceiving the world, others and ourselves.
You will notice in the first section of Course lessons that the topics of the lessons are helping us to break down our habitual ego perspectives – the ways we view the world, others and ourselves. This is imperative so a new and loving perception known as True Perception, can come to us. As we become increasingly willing to lay aside how we usually see things, the Holy Spirit’s True Perception will have room to show up in our awareness and therefore, we will be better listeners.
In lesson 324 of the Course, we are guided that we no longer want to lead but we are now ready to follow the Holy Spirit. We are taught in Gary Renard’s work that Jesus wasn’t the ultimate leader, he was the ultimate follower! He completely committed to following the Holy Spirit and as a result, he heard the Holy Spirit clearly and all the time.
As a reminder, the guidance of the Holy Spirit can show up as intuition, a great idea, or any message you hear or read which deeply resonates within you. The Holy Spirit knows how to get your attention and is attune to your preferences and beliefs so do trust that a message from the Holy Spirit will simply feel good to you.
One of our greatest lessons on the path to enlightenment is to remember that we are never, ever alone. This world is a projection of your mind and it may appear at times that you are physically alone. BUT, the Holy Spirit is IN your Right Mind and it is at the level of the mind that you are perfectly connected to the Voice which loves you and cares for you. Personally, I always find that speaking to the Holy Spirit like It is a buddy standing right next to me, helps me strengthen my Trust and reliance upon the Holy Spirit. Practice reminding yourself that you are not alone and you will be a better listener.
Fiona <3
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