'Release Fear' Class Replay
Jun 24, 2022Here is the replay for the 'Release Fear' class!
Fear is a strong emotion and can show in every aspect of our lives. To release fear successfully, we must learn how we are mistakenly reinforcing fear in our own minds, and the Right-Minded methods for correcting fear thoughts.
In this class, I expose the source idea of fear which is held in the unconscious mind and share the only way to correct the fear thought. I also highlight Right-Minded ACIM methods which will help you shift your focus away from fear and towards peace.
A major takeaway from this class is that fear is being done BY us and not TO us! As we are taught in the Course, the key to salvation from the ego is "I am doing this unto myself."
You are not stuck in fear!
Much Love,
Fiona XO
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