Where's My Miracle? - Trials, Miracles and Trust

a course in miracles acim atonement enlightenment inspiration undo the ego Nov 10, 2021
Cover for the blog titled "Where's my Miracle?"

Hello Love, 

Recently, I invited those on my subscriber list to write in to me with any questions they have in regard to applying the principles of A Course in Miracles to their lives. This is the first blog which addresses the first question I received from a subscriber I will be calling D. 

D wrote the following to me:

"I bought a mobile flooring showroom franchise and started right in COVID, and I’m drowning, financially.  I may have to declare bankruptcy (had to from my first marriage)….my husband is 68 and has poured all his $$ into this as well.  I truly need a miracle!  I’m using all my tools but cannot seem to transcend this….I’m constantly asking for Holy Spirit’s guidance and help."

There are several topics being brought up here and I will be focusing on the following:

~ The experience of the miracle and why they don't appear to happen sometimes.

~ How to receive and recognize the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

~ The importance of paying attention to the lessons which repeat in your experience.

~ Our trials – why they show up the way they do and why they’re important.

Let’s delve in!

D expressed that she needs a miracle and also that she wants guidance.

Miracles are the means for HOW our minds heal. Guidance is the effect we can experience upon connecting with our Source.  

Let’s begin with the miracle…

A miracle is an expression of love and are the means by which our minds are healed. When you experience a miracle you can expect to feel peaceful and no longer preoccupied by what you were previously concerned about.

I understand it can be frustrating to welcome the miracle and feel like you haven’t received it. This is a common experience for us ACIM students especially as we begin to develop our trust in the Holy Spirit. You probably know that we are taught in the Course that miracles are natural. So, we welcome the miracle with open arms, then why isn’t it happening? There’s a second portion to this ACIM teaching “…when they (miracles) do not occur, something has gone wrong.” So, what goes wrong? We get in the way of allowing the miracle.

Miracles require your welcome AND your acceptance. To allow the miracle, you need to step out of the way once you’ve asked H.S. for help. This is something I talk about in my upcoming book, Awakening Your Right Mind. It is because we are used to controlling (which is an ego attribute) that we dictate what the miracle should look like and when it should occur. We forget that a miracle is about the healing of our minds and focus on the external situation.

Whenever we welcome the miracle we are temporarily in our Right Minds. Yet, when we attempt to control the outcome of the miracle, we have descended back into our ego minds. We are only able to use either the Right Mind or the ego mind at one time - you can't use both at the same time. So, if you're wanting the miracle, you need to be get back into your Right Mind where miracles flow from (because they don't come from the ego mind!). This is one reason you may not experience the miracle you welcomed.

The second reason you may not feel like you’re experiencing a miracle is because the miracle always occurs within your mind, specifically, in your unconscious mind. Sometimes you will become aware of the effects of the miracle in your conscious mind experience (waking daily life) but this is not always the case. What you can trust though is that when you’ve applied True Forgiveness and welcomed the miracle, healing is always occurring deep in your mind. It is a law of the mind.

So, when you feel frustrated that you’re not seeing evidence of a miracle, do trust that healing is occurring deep within you. With application of True Forgiveness and welcoming the miracle, you will naturally become more peaceful and the Holy Spirit’s guidance will be easier to hear.

That brings us to receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit...

You will only hear the Holy Spirit’s guidance when your mind is quiet and when you are calm. Remember that we are taught in the Course that ALL answers come to a quiet mind. So, it is important to create more moments of calm in your life. Be mindful of if you are trying to control all the details of a situation as that only keeps your mind distracted from hearing the Holy Spirit. Preventing you from healing and becoming aware of your Truth is exactly what the ego seeks to do because it survives through your focus and belief in it.

The Holy Spirit works at the level of the mind and not in the physical effect of this world. Therefore, you can expect guidance to show up as ideas, through intuition or even via messages in songs, on signs, or through what someone says. You will know it’s the Holy Spirit speaking to you because the idea, intuition or message will resonate with you and stand out very clearly.  

If you are looking for more guidance and inspiration, I encourage you to try this True Prayer meditation which is available on YouTube: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7t266FiajA

This YouTube meditation is given to us by author and ACIM teacher, Gary Renard, and is inspired by the True Prayer which is taught in the Course supplement, The Song of Prayer. One of the benefits of using it is receiving inspiration from the Holy Spirit but we want to remember that the main reason to do this beautiful meditation is to take some time (ten minutes) to connect with our Source. Try using it every day. I actually like to begin and end my day with it because it feels sooo good.  

Paying Attention to the Lessons Which Repeat in Your Life

D shared that she has faced bankruptcy before. Trials do repeat until they are completely forgiven. They are meant to catch our attention so we can use our trials for the purposes of healing instead of for the ego’s purposes of perpetuating its conflicted thought system.

If you find yourself in the same circumstances over and over then be sure to apply True Forgiveness so it can be healed. Remember that healing is natural and healing is the only reason our trials have shown up. Try not to be deceived by what the ego would have to say about your experiences here. As you know, there is Someone Else, the Holy Spirit, Who is available to you. You need only choose for the Holy Spirit more often and you will find your trust in the Holy Spirit strengthen.

Remember that through the Holy Spirit’s eyes, the lesson is always reminding us to accept the Atonement Principle which is that we never left our Source. The ego always comes from believing that you are separate from your Source, so the Atonement, an idea in itself but a True one, will undo the ego - “Truth will correct all errors in my mind.” Lesson 107.

Yes, you are allowed to attend to your earthly needs but at the same time you want to remind yourself of the Atonement any time you find yourself reacting to an ego thought. Atoning means undoing and it is HOW the ego is undone in your mind.

More about our trials...

Our trials show up in a variety of ways like financial issues, sickness, relationship problems and the like. Yet, at their core, our trials carry the same issue - thinking we are separated from our Source. This is really the only problem you need to correct which you do through accepting the Atonement.

The reason our trials present themselves in ways like money problems or sickness is because the ego is trying to put a mask over our real issue of believing we are separated from our Source. If you heal the separation idea then the ego is toast and the ego knows it! So, as you go through your earthly issues, do remember to apply the Atonement when you find yourself reacting with the ego mind.

We do want to remember that this physical experience is not perfect but our trials are meant to bring us back to the awareness of our Oneness with Source. There is no other purpose to our trials. Be vigilant. 

Even if one experiences bankruptcy or sickness or loss of any kind, one can still be in their Right Mind about it. You’re allowed your experiences and your feelings, I just encourage you to go through your experiences and feel your emotions with your loving Higher Self - the Holy Spirit. As I share in my new book, there is no rule as to how long a trial should last so please don't feel that you have to pressure yourself to move quickly through your trials. The purpose of your time here is to forgive and all things will pass, you just have to let them. And with the Holy Spirit, your trials will become your stepping stones to your Source.  

I hope this is helpful for you and another big THANK YOU to D for sharing with us <3  

You are worth the commitment to healing your mind <3 


Fiona xo

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