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Miracle Principles 7 & 8


Welcome to Miracle Principles 7 & 8! 

Miracle Principle 7 ~ Miracles are everyone’s right, but purification is necessary first.

Miracle Principle 8 ~ Miracles are healing because they supply a lack; they are performed by those who temporarily have more for those who temporarily have less.




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Miracle Principles 5 & 6


Learn about Miracle Principles 5 & 6! 

Miracle Principle 5 ~ Miracles are habits, and should be involuntary. They should not be under conscious control. Consciously selected miracles can be misguided. 

Miracle Principle 6 ~ Miracles are natural. When they do not occur something has gone wrong. 

These two principles help us see how we prevent the miracle from occurring and how we can welcome the genuine miracles of Spirit <3 




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Miracle Principles 3 & 4


Here I share about Miracle Principles 3 & 4!

Miracle Principle 3 ~ Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything comes from love is a miracle. 

Miracle Principle 4 ~ All miracles mean life, and God is the Giver of life. His Voice will direct you very specifically. You will be told all you need to know. 

If you're wondering how to develop your trust in Spirit, this explanation of these two principles will help <3 



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Becoming Miracle Minded - Miracle Principles 1 & 2


Welcome to the series on Becoming Miracle Minded! 

Miracles are your birthright <3 By nature, miracles undo the ego in your mind. Miracles are therefore required in order for you to become enlightened and remember your True Oneness in Source. 

This series will help you gain clarity on the fifty principles of miracles of A Course in Miracles. The intention is for you to become comfortable with choosing the miracle so that you get to the point that you are fully miracle-minded <3 

Keep checking my Podcasts and Blog page for more Miracle Principles throughout the month of December! 

Much Love,

Fiona xo

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Anxiety - How to Heal from Anxiety, ACIM Style


Anxiety is prevalent in our society and so it may come across as being normal. Yet, in A Course in Miracles is states that when it comes to anxiety, "this need not be." 

Anxiety is a product of the ego mind, the false self. And you don't need to settle for it! 

According to Spirit, anxiety is an opportunity to heal and get closer to enlightenment ~ AMAZING! So, I've written a class all about anxiety so you know the origins of anxiety, how the ego uses anxiety to keep you in conflict, and most importantly, what you can do to heal <3 

As I always say, healing is natural. So, I hope you enjoy this class which will give you the ACIM guidance you need to heal <3 

Love and Inner Peace, 

Fiona xo

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Trust & Acceptance ~ A Conversation with David Fishman


Developing our trust in Spirit is a major topic in A Course in Miracles. Trust is so important because it helps us bridge our fear in letting go of the ego's thought system and commit fully to listening to Spirit instead <3

In this conversation with fellow ACIM teacher, David Fishman, we will discuss the importance of trust and acceptance in what the Course teaches and  applying these incredible teachings in your daily life. 

Much Love, 

Fiona, xo

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Healing is Natural ~ Part Two!

acim healing holy spirit mind Sep 30, 2020

Welcome to the second part of the Healing IS Natural Webinar Series! 

In this class, fellow ACIM teacher Julie Glynn and myself continue the conversation on how to heal using A Course in Miracles. 

We review topics like where sickness comes from and what True Healing really is. We also elaborate on the mind's role in healing. 

We also delve into topics like how to use your sleeping dreams to heal, how to recognize Spirit's guidance, and the benefits you can expect from healing with Spirit <3 

There is a brief pause in the conversation around the 42 minute mark which is where we took our break, so just be aware of that ;) 


Much Love,


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Exercising Your Willingness to See with Spirit

acim spirit willingness Aug 12, 2020

Welcome to the blog on "willingness to see things differently" and what we can do to ensure we don't corrupt our own willingness.

When we ask Spirit to help us things differently, what we are really doing is we are stepping out of our old thinking habits and inviting a new perspective. To allow a new perception to come to us, we do need to get our old ego perception out of the way, and how to do so is the focus of this blog.


I recently had a spiritual reading done by Kevin Ryerson, which was incredible! In this reading, Spirit's wisdom came through and shared with me that when we ask Spirit for help, 90% of the heavy lifting is done by Spirit and the other 10% is done by us. When I heard this, I immediately thought of the teaching in A Course in Miracles about the required willingness by us to see things differently. I was reminded that our role is simply to ask Spirit for help and step out of the way, and I thought about how allowing Spirit to do Its work tends to be a bit of a...

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Morning Correction ~ A Mental Exercise for Shaking Off the ego and Starting Your Day Right!

As we are facing this worldly trial, you may notice that the feeling of fear has become acute. To help with this, you need to train your mind to quiet and amp up your True Forgiveness practice which will help dissolve the mind of fear, the ego. You have to hit fear at its source, the ego mind, this is the only thing that will make a genuine positive difference in your mental state.


Morning Correction

The morning can be the trickiest time of the day as not only are you getting ready for your day and helping others in your household do the same, you are also hearing the ego ramble on in your mind. By the time you head out the door, you may notice that you are agitated. If this sounds familiar, know that you have a choice to NOT continue on with your day like this. In fact, the morning can be your greatest opportunity to shake off the ego and start your day in your loving Right Mind! 

In A Course in Miracles, we are guided to, at the soonest opportunity, take time to connect...

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Seeing this Worldly Trial through Spiritual Eyes

Uncategorized Mar 24, 2020

Hello Love,

I know that the Coronavirus has conjured up many feelings for us all. The ego's voice can tell many tales about it if we let it. Listening to the ego will only make you feel fearful, uncertain, and like this situation may never end - just the way the ego likes it. 

Yet, there is a better way <3 Seen through spiritual eyes, this trial with the Coronavirus can actually be a healing opportunity! And personally, I'm not going to waste this opportunity to heal <3 If you feel the same and you're curious to learn more about what A Course in Miracles teaches about Who we really are, then this class is for you! 

As someone who has healed from a seemingly incurable disease, Meniere's Disease, using the wisdom of ACIM, I am excited to share with you that YOU DO NOT NEED TO SETTLE FOR WHAT THE EGO HAS TO SAY! Be prepared to feel empowered, relaxed and motivated to see the Coronavirus and its effects, through your loving Right Mind! 

I truly hope you enjoy this...

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